
Harness the Power Of Hyperautomation For Business Transformation

Implement real-time decision-making and collaboration by integrating agile and flexible applications. Our hyperautomation technology enables rapid integrations, as opposed to Legacy Systems.

Overcome the Most Common Business Challenges

Application integration is not only integral to your business growth and daily functions. Downloading varied data from different departments whose systems are not in sync with your digital ecosystem makes it hard to develop a high-performing digital ecosystem to eliminate data silos and deliver a holistic view of the data across the enterprise. Break free from these challenges and make your business flexible.

Data Islands

Applications host data in their data stores and require custom API development to expose it to other systems.

Data Interpretation

Data is stored in specific structures in an application and interpreted in the context, which may differ from a consuming application.

Meaningful Use

Compliance restrictions enforce applications to expose minimal required data. It becomes more challenging when multiple systems require the same data.

Tightly Coupled

Consuming applications using middleware software like enterprise data bus also get affected by changes in data provider application.

Data Quality

Disparate systems processing and maintaining data without enterprise standards lead to low-quality, redundant, or duplicate data.

Data Latency

Some processes require real-time or non-real-time data. If data is not provided within a defined timespan, it blocks systems from meeting demands and leads to latency or processing errors.

Data Islands

Applications host data in their data stores and require custom API development to expose it to other systems.

Data Interpretation

Data is stored in specific structures in an application and interpreted in the context, which may differ from a consuming application.

Meaningful Use

Compliance restrictions enforce applications to expose minimal required data. It becomes more challenging when multiple systems require the same data.

Tightly Coupled

Consuming applications using middleware software like enterprise data bus also get affected by changes in data provider application.

Data Quality

Disparate systems processing and maintaining data without enterprise standards lead to low-quality, redundant, or duplicate data.

Data Latency

Some processes require real-time or non-real-time data. If data is not provided within a defined timespan, it blocks systems from meeting demands and leads to latency or processing errors.

Perpetual Automation for Endless Business Benefits

Stackyon enables a smooth data flow across various systems in your organization with hyperautomation application integration. Get access to large volumes of data and a holistic view of your business workflows.

API Connection

Configure new API to provide data or consume APIs without a single line of code.

Secure Data Connection

Our security tools and solutions allow you to connect to your core data systems and add enhancements without data breaches.

Data Aggregators

Aggregate data from disparate applications and provide a consolidated view for better decision-making.


Connect to external systems like Docusign through our webhooks configuration module and automate your workflow.

Process Orchestration

Seamlessly pull data from your core systems in real-time and transform the data as needed for visualizing and processing.

File Exchange

Exchange data between systems through files or process data files in various formats, including PDF, Fixed Length, EDI, and Excel, from external systems through our integrated OCR and data mapper capabilities.

Home care management

Nurses access data from various systems while providing care services at patients’ residences. Patient eligibility for the services, their history during previous care visits, and more are essential data. The nurses also add new notes and information for billing systems and provide data to EHR/EMR Systems, which providers (doctors) utilize for better patient care. Stackyon built a holistic Home Care Management System with various valuable features. The system allocates nurses/home care providers for patient home care services, gives access to their daily schedule, and documents care notes and the services provided. The collected data is simultaneously integrated with patient eligibility systems, claims management systems, billing systems, EMRs, and EHRs.